A division of Tailwinds Insurance LLC


A division of Tailwinds Insurance LLC


Take control of your own legacy through the infinite banking concept.

Infinite Banking + Life Insurance
= Generational Wealth Management

At Generation Bank PA we aren’t reinventing the wheel.

The tools for the attainment of personal wealth have been a well-kept secret until recently.

We’re just showing people how to make use of techniques that have been making families wealthy for centuries.

While most other advisors are salesmen, our team of experts are here to educate and empower you to take control of your own legacy through the infinite banking concept.

Be Your Own Bank

Infinite Banking

Don’t wait! Individuals that schedule an initial consultation will also receive a FREE pdf excerpt of
“Becoming Your Own BANKER” by R. Nelson Nash.

Each of us has seen the benefit of private banking in our own lives, and that’s why we’re so passionate about helping people turn the banking equation around in their favor.

Our approach to financial planning strategies is rooted in education and empowerment for you and your legacy.

The Rockefeller Method

Institutions controlling your money vs. taking control of your legacy

Imagine you made $100,000 last year.
Most Americans try to save around 5% every year.
That would amount to $95,000 in earnings and $5,000 in savings.

At the end of the year, you’ll be taxed the highest possible amount on your savings.
Meanwhile, the bank that has ‘held’ onto those funds was able to invest it in financial products that are taxed at a much lower rate.

Guess where that extra money in interest goes?
Right back into the pocket of your bank.

That’s why we are so are passionate about showing clients how to regain their buying power back from the financial institutions that hold your money captive.

The little picture vs. the big picture

Working with a traditional advisor typically involves limiting the focus on an investment portfolio that is invariably tied to the financial products sponsored by your advisor’s company or affiliates.

At Generation Bank, we teach you how to build your own personal economy that is based on several moving parts that function cohesively to ensure a stable financial future for you and your family.

Cash flow vs. net worth

When you work with financial advisors or a wealth management firm that is only concerned with your net worth, you lose sight on opportunities for growth.

At Generation Bank, we will teach you about cash flow and how focusing on this aspect of money velocity can give you and your family more money to enjoy each month while staying on financial track.

Retirement oriented vs. freedom oriented

One of the greatest challenges some clients face is adopting the mindset of abundance. Simply put, at Generation Bank, a large part of our job involves teaching clients how to
“think like rich people.”

A part of that involves getting clients to look at their financial planning strategies as a way to facilitate the enjoyment of work and life at every step along the way, instead of a distant future.

Living on interest vs. the principle of spending and replacing

One of the issues in the financial industry is that too many players are salesmen.
Instead of being vested in the success of their clients, they are vested in the success of a financial product or program.

This can put their clients even more at the mercy of financial institutions.

At Generation Bank, we teach clients a flexible and sustainable way to manage their money while living within their means.

Dollars do only one job vs. dollars doing many jobs

Many people set aside funds for emergencies, education, retirement, homes, and other large purchases.

These funds are usually untouched until they’re needed. Then, they’re used for only one purpose.

With the principles of prosperity economics, our financial advisors can teach you how to use dollars for financial flexibility.

Our Mission Is to Help you Build the Foundation of a Secure Future

These policies maximize Generational Wealth, while allowing you to borrow against the Death Benefit to fund life purchases, like PLANES, Investment Properties & Other Assets, while the CASH VALUE grows TAX FREE at a GUARANTEED RATE!

Other benefits include:

  • Guaranteed Loan Rates
  • Unaffected by Market Volatility
  • Inflation Proof
  • Reputable
  • Transferable from Generation to Generation


Employee Benefits

We work with many different carriers because we understand that your business is not cookie cutter.
What should your benefit package include?

  • Major Medical & MEC Plans & Telemed
  • Disability Insurance
  • Dental & Vision
  • Critical Illness
  • Life Insurance
  • Accident
  • Cancer Protection